Manual positioning conveyor having  digital screen which helps to cut the profiles precisely in the required measurements.


  • Manually adjusting to required measurement and positioning by means of the pneumatic brake system
  • Digital display indicating  the length of the profiles to be cut
  • Easy assembly on sawing and copy router machine without conveyor
  • Precise and easy positioning of the stop by means of the Hand Wheel
  • Possibility of working with tree different offset

الملحقات الاختيارية

جدول المواصفات الفنية

--- / ---
51x312x30 cm
124 Kg / 81 Kg

الملحقات الاختيارية

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احصل على عرض

يتطلب حقلا

يتطلب حقلا

يتطلب حقلا

يتطلب حقلا

يتطلب حقلا

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